Midwest Construction products is a 25 year young family company. We strive to keep owners, and hired contractors of the owners, educated and armed with all the tools to stay within local and federal regulations. Our field representatives are trained in not only the present practices of staying compliant, but also learning about the newest technologies and solutions that will be available to the construction industry. Spending hundreds of thousands on concrete and hauled in materials are the way of the past. Self sustainability, creating oxygen, reducing refuse, and create any energy that you and your neighbor may need is the way of the future. Our company has made a vow to change not only it's own thinking, but change the way everyone else thinks as well. Are staff is qualified to provide the education and information needed to keep the hillsides green and the water clean. Previous methods of construction have disregarded the general health of the planet. We at Midwest Construction Products believe that when you design and plan your job site around what you are given, you will be given back much more. Design with the planet in mind and you will be amazed at what it gives you in return.
We have many solutions for earth stabilization including geotextile fabrics and geogrids. Stabilizing the earth under any future construction can eliminate future failures which leads to unnecessary waste. Do it right the first time and save your money or your tax payers money later. It is amazing what a little filter fabric or stabilization fabric, whether woven fabric or non woven fabric, can save you as an owner or save your owner at the end of the day.
Another concept is Erosion Control. Many in our industry believe Erosion and Sediment control are the same thing. Wrong!! Did you know if you have a 100% solid erosion control plan you can eliminate 99% of sediment loss? Thus making the issue of sediment control minimal. Control erosion you control sediment. If you think erosion and sediment control are the same, think of it this way; Erosion is the loss of sedimentary material(sediment). Sediment loss can be created by erosion. Two different problems handled in the right way can eliminate hefty fines. Just ask (insert any big contractors name)!
Our staff will come to your site and help you decide what you need, not what may have been used around the corner. We will supply you with several options keeping you within your budget, educated in what you are installing, and most importantly, in compliance!! Early 2010 meant changes in the Federal clean air and water act. These changes have given the ability for state and federal agencies to make sure the projects done withing their governing boundaries maintain within compliance, even if it means fines. Don't give a bankrupt state any reason to fine you especially if you do not know the regulations. If you have any questions, or if you currently are having problems staying compliant give us a call. We have 6 location with more locations planned. Our goal is to be the ones who solve the problems commonly found on construction sites today. These problems that others have disregarded have made our planet, have made our Earth, unhealthy. This is uncalled for and can be prevented. Join us at http://www.midwestconstruct.com/
Our educational arm Ipafes is coming to a city near you! We are on a mission to provide Innovative solutions and products to solve common environmental issues. We are traveling city to city to teach about technologies available to stay within compliance. Many of these classes provide those PDHs or Professional Development Hours that you as engineers and architects need to stay current. Do you have engineers on staff that need credit hours to stay current. RSVP to one of our seminars and have your staff become educated on current rules and regulations revolving around the environment. Current schedule here: http://www.ipafes.com/calendar/calendar.htm
From soil science to seed mixing, from textile manufacturing to water quality, our staff is constantly challenged to be the top of their field! Join our fan pages on Facebook and make our sites one of your daily or weekly visits! http://www.midwestconstruct.com/ http://www.ipafes.com/ http://www.gabionbaskets.net/ http://www.allmyshipping.com/
Some great tips to cover in any construction site safety meetings. Thanks for sharing with us!